Our Program

The H.O.W. Foundation takes a no-nonsense approach to rehabilitation. We offer a six-month minimum, self-supporting, residential, in-house recovery program dedicated solely to helping men in the throes of addiction—by giving them the opportunity to learn and live a life free of addiction. Our program is physically demanding, offering residents the chance to work hard and learn the life skills necessary for lasting recovery. This program places emphasis on learning to take accountability for your actions and attitudes and how to stop blaming others for your failures.

The H.O.W Foundation is not a certified or licensed treatment facility. We do not provide licensed or certified substance abuse counseling. We offer a residential recovery program based on three principles:

  1. The precepts of the Twelve Steps
  2. The beneficial effects of a structured, sober living environment run by other recovering alcoholics/addicts
  3. The discipline that comes from performing physical work in a structured environment with other recovering addicts

With these principles, we hope to awaken a sense of personal responsibility, moral values, and self-confidence in our residents.

What We Value



Addiction is a disease like any other, and usually, employment is one of the most significant and final losses an addict faces. The only reason for this is that a consistent income is necessary to support an ever-increasing dependence on addictive substances. But it’s impossible to maintain a consistent lifestyle as an addict, and tardiness and absenteeism will become chronic, leading to unemployment. Or perhaps, in younger addicts, there was no chance to even develop a work ethic.
The H.O.W. Foundation program focuses on instilling a strong work ethic through its firmly held belief in the traditional value of old-fashioned manual labor. This labor is performed through services provided to the community for fair market value. In turn, the money earned goes back to sustaining the Foundation without any external financial assistance.


One quality we look for in our residents is the ability to be open-minded. The basis of the program is rooted in the Twelve Steps as put forth by Alcoholics/Narcotics Anonymous. Every resident must be willing to learn how to put the steps into practice. From this learning grows a sense of community, of doing for others, of belonging. This sense of community is further reinforced once residents realize the value of their work—how every resident, past or present, has built and maintained the H.O.W. Foundation for 40 years. Most importantly, through prayer, meditation, 12-Step meeting attendance, and 12-Step work, we learn that the isolation of addiction changed into the fellowship of recovery.


Graduates of the program can get a fresh start on life with a brand new outlook. With a restored work ethic and a set of principles to guide their life, they can make a new beginning for themselves—provided they continue putting in the work. A recovering addict can become a responsible member of society. By attending 12-Step meetings in his community, they can share their insight, experience, strength, and hope with those who are still suffering. While this is only the beginning, regardless of the choices that follow the H.O.W. Program, there is one fact consistently repeated by graduates—“a life has been changed, in some ways, forever.

Addiction, or substance use disorder, is a chronic relapsing brain disease that is seen at every level of society. Without treatment, chronic drug and alcohol use leads to severe health problems or death. The first step in treating addiction is identification. Below is a list of the most common signs of addiction. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, contact your primary healthcare provider or chat live with our intake specialist here.

Addiction Warning Signs:

  • The desire to use and/or act out interferes with routine activities such as school, work, and home life.
  • Engagement in high-risk behavior and/or use of dangerous substances despite the negative consequences.
  • Requirement of larger doses to achieve the same effect.
  • Tried and failed to cease addictive behavior and/or use of a substance.
  • Withdrawal occurs when deprived of a substance.

Working with Law Enforcement

Jail has never cured an alcoholic. The H.O.W. Foundation may not be able to help every man who enters our program, but approximately 30% of our residents manage to find relief.
Law enforcement officials have told us time and time again that they need solid, dependable alternatives to jail—a system that only causes more harm to those suffering from addiction and their loved ones.

The H.O.W. Foundation

  • Provides a real opportunity for rehabilitation.
  • Helps improve the community.
  • Offers a positive alternative to jail.
  • Alleviates addicts of their ego and teaches them to help others.


  • We do not provide medical detox services and do not have medical staff on-site.

$39+ million





5649 S Garnett Rd
Tulsa, OK 74146


(918) 252 - 5739

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